Structural funds represent a great opportunity, as they are granted without any obligation to repay capital or interest. They can be provided either by the European Union or by the State or the Regions.
Since 1998 JO Consulting offers consultancy and support for access both financial resources made available by the European Commission and structural funds managed by the Ministries and the Regions.
JO Consulting operates within a European network, collaborating with research entities, medium and large companies and public bodies. It has over 20 years of experience in providing all the tools needed to assess the quality and sustainability of an entrepreneurial activity.
JO Consulting helps companies and other organisations in searching and getting structural funds to support initiatives in a wide range of sectors. In particular, the activities are developed as it follows:

- Raising awareness of the business environment about the existing types of incentives
- Scouting of the grant opportunities and evaluation of the financial coverage for the realisation of the investment project
- Investigation, economic and financial planning, design and development of the business plan, submission of the project
- Follow-up of the grant application and support for the launch of the project and for the management of the relations with central and local authorities
- Support in expense reporting and specialist support during the inspections carried out by the competent bodies