European Exchange Programme for Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for young entrepreneurs is an exchange programme that offers girls and boys the opportunity to start an entrepreneurial career, learning from professionals running small or medium sized enterprises, located in another EYE programme partner country.

The exchange experience involves a period of paid work (which can vary from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 6 months) to be carried out on the premises of the foreign entrepreneur, who will help the aspiring or new entrepreneur to acquire the necessary skills for managing a small and medium sized enterprise (SME). It is also a great opportunity for the host entrepreneur to:

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This is undoubtedly a mutually beneficial cooperation, as it offers new market opportunities on a European level and the possibility of identifying other business partners.

In the long term, the benefits could extend to the creation of a wide network of contacts and the decision to continue the cooperation, perhaps as stable business partners (e.g. concluding a joint venture agreement, concluding subcontracts, establishing supply relationships, etc.).

Who are the actors in the programme?

What are the criteria for being considered a successful entrepreneur?

Minimum standards to be met to qualify as a successful entrepreneur

What are the criteria for being considered a new entrepreneur?

Minimum standards to be met by new entrepreneurs


The main goal of SHE FOUNDER_EIW4 is to strengthen entrepreneurship, develop an international perspective, stimulate the competitiveness of European SMEs and promote potential start-ups, micro and small start-ups in the participating countries. The project focuses on target groups of entrepreneurs with sustainable/green and digital business models.

The consortium aims to:

How to create a profile?

Step 1: online application

Step 2: matching

Step 3: commitment and training

Step 4: realisation of the exchange

Need more information?

Let JO Consulting guide you and register on the portal by filling in the forms below:

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