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The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is an EU programme designed by European Union to help member states managing migration, by promoting the implementation, strengthening and development of a common Union approach to asylum and immigration, with a total budget of € 3.137 billion for the period 2014-2020.


The AMIF Fund sets out four specific objectives:


The AMIF funding programme finances a wide range of activities, such as:


All the European countries except for Denmark can participate to the AMIF funding programme. Examples of beneficiaries of the projects implemented under this Fund can be state and federal authorities, local public bodies, non-governmental organisations, humanitarian organisations, private and public law companies, education and research organisations.


The European Commission launched several open calls for proposals on different topics:

AMIF-2019-AG-CALL-01: Fostering the integration of persons in need of protection through private sponsorship schemes

The objective of topic 1 of this call for proposals is to support transnational projects:

AMIF-2019-AG-CALL-02: Social orientation of newly arrived third-country nationals through involvement of local communities, including mentoring and volunteering activities

The most important objectives of topic 2 are:

AMIF-2019-AG-CALL-03: Social and economic integration of migrant women

Topic 3 aims to:

AMIF-2019-AG-CALL-04: Awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in selected third countries and within Europe

The general objective of this call for proposals is to contribute to the change of perceptions and behaviour of third country nationals pondering irregularly migrating to the EU and key influencers of their decisions.

AMIF-2019-AG-CALL-05: Support to victims of trafficking in human beings

The main objective of topic 5 is to improve the integration of third country national victims of trafficking in the host society and facilitate the safe and voluntary return of third country national victims of trafficking.

AMIF-2019-AG-CALL-06: Protection of children in migration

Topic 6 funds projects focusing on the exchange of good practices and/or provision of the necessary training across the Member States to support the implementation/expansion/improvement of alternative/non-institutionalised care systems for the migrant children.

AMIF-2019-AG-CALL-07: Transnational projects by Member States for training of experts in the area of asylum and immigration

Topic 7 aims at supporting transnational projects that foster practical cooperation among national authorities responsible for asylum and migration matters from EU Countries, which have similar specific training/learning needs or wish to exchange practices and experiences on training initiatives.

If you want to participate to the AMIF calls for proposals, or you are interested in other EU funding opportunities, please keep following our JOurnal.

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TourINN-act,  a project co-financed by the European Union,  aims to support tourism SMEs in adopting digital innovations and sustainable practices to overcome the Covid-19 crisis. The project promotes transnational cooperation and capacity building, enhancing the modernization and sustainability of tourism businesses in the medium to long term. 60 SMEs receive financial support to implement innovative solutions through experimental projects, guided by tools such as the Roadmap and the Online Catalogue of digital solutions, along with a matchmaking system to find suppliers.

JOC provides support for start-ups, facilitates matching between research and businesses, and assists with business planning.


The SheFounder_EIW4 project focuses on female entrepreneurship both within the EU and in third countries, aiming to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of women-led businesses. It seeks to promote a female entrepreneurial culture, supporting the creation and growth of businesses locally and across Europe. The main objectives include providing training for new women entrepreneurs, facilitating the sharing of experiences between entrepreneurs, improving market access, creating international networks, and supporting EU strategies for sustainable, digital, and resilient transitions.

JO Consulting leads WP3, which focuses on relationship building. This includes analyzing applications from new and established entrepreneurs, assessing their commitment to the project, and facilitating the matching process between new and experienced entrepreneurs.


FEM-Up is a project co-financed by the European Union, aimed at supporting innovation and economic empowerment for women, promoting their entrepreneurship and gender equality. The main actions include:

  • Encouraging female employment in innovative sectors;
    • Combating biases related to female leadership.

FEM-Up seeks to inspire young women to overcome social and cultural barriers, stimulating their creativity through training and a competition to develop innovative ideas. The goal is to increase the number of female entrepreneurs in Europe.

JO Consulting leads the creation of the training content and the electronic platform for the FEM-Up Academy.


The fuTOURiSME project, co-funded by the European Union, aims to support tourism SMEs in their digital and sustainable transition, helping them overcome the challenges posed by the post-pandemic period and adapt to the new socio-economic context. The project promotes the adoption of innovative solutions for experiential tourism, enhancing the sustainability of tourist destinations. SMEs in the sector will receive targeted training and support from experts to seize opportunities in digitalization and the green transition.

JO Consulting is responsible for the implementation of an Open Call for tourism SMEs interested in improving their impact in the sector, towards a more sustainable and digital tourism industry.

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